Setting a Default Search

When you log onto CaseReview, the Manage Casespage will automatically run your default filters. You can change or remove the default search anytime.

Viewing your default search

To see which saved search is the default search, click on the edit icon on the Manage Cases page.

A list of saved searches displays on the Saved Searches page. The default search will be tagged with '(Default)' at the end of the search name.

On the Saved Searches page, the bookmark icon functions as a checkbox. Unselected and non-default Saved Searches are represented by unfilled bookmarks, while selected and default Saved Searches are displayed as solid bookmarks. By clicking a solid bookmark, you can deselect the Saved Search as the default option.

Setting a default saved search

There are three ways to designate a saved search as your default search.

  1. On the Manage Cases page, click the Saved Search edit icon. On the My Searches page, click the banner icon on the search line. This will make this saved search your ‘default’ search. A mouse over hover text explains the icon's purpose.

  2. On the Saved Searches page, click the saved search name.

    On the Edit Saved Search window, check the ‘My default search’ box and then click Save.

  3. Create a new saved search. On the Save this Search window, check the 'Make this my default search' box and then click Save.